Whiteboards, a.k.a. dry-erase boards, are undeniably handy for presentations, meetings, and other day-to-day business endeavors. Unfortunately, they're also expensive, difficult to mount, and hard on the decor. Enter Markee Dry-Erase Paint, which turns any painted wall into a dry-erase board. How cool is that! See for yourself: Now for the caveats. First, the product page reads like one long, awful infomercial. You have to scroll way, way down just to get to pricing and ordering information (which includes a "toll-free" number that is not, in fact, toll-free). Second, at $97 per gallon, the Markee Paint ain't exactly cheap. Of course, given that a traditional 8-by-4-foot whiteboard will set you back around $500, it's all relative. Markee costs about 50 cents...

On September 29, 2009
If you prefer to read it in a PDF you can do so here.
Inside my newsletter I have a message set up asking new people who join about them and their business. From those questions I’ve been asked on how to be successful online. Knowing that demand, I’ll be sharing with you a series that [...]
On September 29, 2009
Oops. It just came out that Nestle Zimbabwe sources 15 percent of its milk from a farm owned by the dictator-president's wife, Grace Mugabe. The farm was confiscated from a white farmer as part of a political plan that has earned President Robert Mugabe condemnation from pretty much everyone else in the world. This could be a big problem for Nestle. The dealings were most likely legal -- the US and the EU have sanctions against both Mugabe and his wife, but Nestle is in Switzerland, which is not an EU member. Public opinion, however, is another matter. Several human rights activists have called for a boycott, and Nestle South Africa could be particularly vulnerable, as there appears to be...
On September 29, 2009
Airlines are planning a $10 surcharge for flights on Nov. 29, Jan. 2 or 3 (that's the Sunday after Thanksgiving and the Saturday and Sunday after New Year's Day, respectively.) The surcharge will already be placed in the fare ticket each way by American Airlines, with Delta, US Airways and Northwest airlines also following suit. The new cost is just one of many new fees charged by airlines to create more revenue at the expense of customer loyalty and service. So is this simply a case of price-gouging or good business? “It’s not so much a surcharge as a quick way to upcharge for those premium days. Yes, it brings in a lot of sorely needed revenue to the airlines - but...
On September 29, 2009
The world's automakers are getting more global all the time, except in one respect: The big international automobile shows are getting less international and more hometown oriented.
On September 29, 2009
Dell said Monday it will beef up accounting and corporate governance rules as part of a settlement tied to an investigation into its past financial practices. Dell, the world's second largest PC maker behind HP, will also pay $1.75 million in legal fees, according to a settlement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
On September 29, 2009
It almost seemed as if the Hyatt Hotels Corp. controversy and subsequent boycott, over firing its housekeepers after having them train their successors as so-called "vacation fill-ins," was over. Hyatt contacted the 98 housekeepers to offer them a job -- not with Hyatt, but with a staffing agency. Perhaps one similar to the one where they found their minimum-wage replacements. Although many news reports call this a job offer, it's not. It's only the possibility of a job. Hyatt also offered to extend health care benefits until March. The staffing agency is United Service Companies, and apparently Hyatt is promising the housekeepers' former rate of pay through 2010. About two-thirds of the housekeepers rejected the offer. I don't know if the housekeepers are...