On the Pitfalls of Superstitious Learning

On July 19, 2011

On the Pitfalls of Superstitious Learning

In business research, we often build up theories about what works and what doesn't work based on evidence that's correlated, but not causal. We pick an outcome — successful performance, say — and incorrectly identifying what caused that outcome. This…

On July 19, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: Schedulicity


If your business sells a product or service that involves making appointments for your clients, Schedulicity can help alleviate some of the complexities of keeping track of that schedule. Schedulicity’s Web-based online scheduling costs are minimal for your business,…

On July 19, 2011

The Real Cause of Business Failure…

… doesn’t turn up in research. At least, not any research I’ve ever seen or heard of.  Consider these problems with the research studies:

  1. To get valid data, you have to start with a random

On July 19, 2011

Business Owners Fear Being Unable to Retire

But one expert says small business owners keep working "because they love what they are doing and don't see the point of retiring."

Small business owners’ biggest fear? Not having the money to retire, says a new study.

Nearly two-thirds of small…

On July 19, 2011

Simple Ways TSA Could Make Customers Happier

Why do multimillion and multibillion dollar companies and organizations maintain counterproductive business practices that are at fundamental odds with their missions? Why do they do things that seem designed to piss off their customers? Are they just so trapped in…

On July 19, 2011

How to Reward Great Ideas

Your employees may never say no to a bonus, but that doesn't mean it's the ideal way to credit their work. Examples from Foursquare and other innovative companies show how to make your rewards as…