Why an M.S. Drugmaker Waited 2 Weeks to Report Its CEO Had Quit

On July 19, 2011

Money Crunch Will Change the Way Federal Agencies Acquire IT

Federal agencies will be much more careful in how they spend taxpayer funds for information technology in the future. Proposed budget cuts and a new White House initiative designed to cut $6 billion in professional services contracting

On July 19, 2011

Top 10 Mobile App Trends and Opportunities

It is extremely exciting to be in the middle of what is arguably the fastest growing segment of the largest growing market in the world right now -- the mobile application ecosystem. While this segment has many

On July 19, 2011

Why Emoticons are Under-Rated

A new study sheds some light on how easily email can be misread--and why those little icons might not be such a bad idea.
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On July 19, 2011

What If Gen Y Wrote the Federal Budget

A group of think tanks crafts a budget proposal that actually takes the priorities of young people seriously. What does it look like?
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On July 19, 2011

Using “Summer Hours” to Motivate Employees

By Karen Axelton

Does your business use “summer hours” to motivate or reward employees? A summer hours program, where employees enjoy shortened or altered workweeks during the summer months to give them more free time, can be a great way…

On July 19, 2011

Borders Shutting Down Remaining Stores

It's time to start writing epitaphs. Borders is officially dead, announcing this week that it will be shutting down the last of its 399 stores. The saddest part: some 11,000 workers will be losing their jobs, as well.

The cause of…