Are You Sabotaging Your Own Career? Probably

On July 12, 2011

Beating Job Burnout

You're bored, depressed or just plain fed up with your work, but quitting isn't an option. Here's what to do to make the situation better.
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On July 12, 2011

The Soft Things that Make Mergers Hard

Numerous commentators have targeted culture and "soft" interpersonal issues as an important contributor of M&A success or failure. While many analyses of failed mergers and other collaborations blame cultural differences, it is possible to be even more specific.…

On July 12, 2011

New Patent Laws to Favor First-to-File

Congress is on the verge of passing the first patent reforms in 60 years. This may not be good news for small business.

A patent reform bill labelled by one Congressman as "patently unfair to inventors" could be in front of…

On July 12, 2011

Can You Become a Morning Person?

Mornings are great for getting things done, unless you hate mornings. Here are three ways to get on better terms with the early hours.
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On July 12, 2011

Smarter Mobility: Alternative Fuel Cells for the Future

As economies in developing and emerging regions of the world catch up with the West, people and product are traveling farther and more often. Energy use is escalating and current supply sources will not meet this increasing demand. At the…