How to Speak Confidently, Without Cockiness

On July 12, 2011

How to Speak Confidently, Without Cockiness

When you've been asked to speak in front of a large group, it's bound to give your ego a boost. And though speaking invitations do show the confidence others have in you, you'll fare much better with your audience if

On July 12, 2011

The New Guy at 800-CEO-READ

While many people take summers off, we at 800-CEO-READ have been brewing up some new things to help people work better. But it’s going to take a lot to execute these ideas, so we’ve added Bob Warde to our team…

On July 12, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip:

Shopping for services for your business can be fraught with questions about the quality you can expect –and making the wrong choice could mean a big blow to your finances. wants to take some of the guesswork out…

On July 12, 2011

Disrupt Education. Save the World.

Is there any generalized institution in the world that needs disruption more badly than education? Right now there are more than a billion people under 10 years old. How well do you think we adults are doing…