Google+ Comes Up Short

On July 7, 2011

Google+ Comes Up Short

What problem does Google+ solve for consumers? The answer appears to be: nothing. And, therefore, it solves nothing for Google either.

As with many of these social launches — an exception being the ill-fated Google Buzz — the…

On July 7, 2011

Murdoch May Be Down, but He’s Far From Out

Rupert Murdoch built his empire on some of the shakiest financial dealings imaginable. So having it rocked by News of the World and a lack of journalistic ethics is decidedly curious.
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On July 7, 2011

Amazon Coaxes Consumers Cloudward

Amazon has announced three enhancements to its Cloud Drive and Cloud Player services, which launched earlier this year: a storage plan with unlimited space for music; free storage for all Amazon MP3 purchases; and iPad support for

On July 7, 2011

The Right to Straight Talk

During World War II, Winston Churchill was marking up a classified document that the Allied forces were waiting for in order to go into action. On one of the pages Churchill wrote, "Watch the borders," referring to the…

On July 7, 2011

Find Your Creative Groove

Whenever I speak at a company or conference, I always ask how many people consider great ideas to be important to the future of their business or career. Nearly every hand in the room goes up. I then ask how…