Terrafugia Triumph: At Long Last, Here Come the Flying Cars

On July 7, 2011

Psychotic Psummer!

Last night, I watched the film version of author Brett Easton Ellis’ American Psycho. While the film has many limitations compared to the book, the gist of the story remains: Powerful people in powerful positions can have powerful problems.…

On July 7, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: AOL TechGuru

AOL TechGuru

There’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with computer issues. But when you’re your own boss, finding someone to help (at a reasonable price and in a reasonable amount of time) can send your frustration level skyrocketing to a…

On July 7, 2011

Heartfelt Advice for Young Fathers

My five kids are all grown up now, doing well thanks, and as I look back on things related to parenting I think I’ve discovered something worth sharing. It’s about dad time with young kids. <img style="margin:…

On July 7, 2011

Bring the Olympics to Jerusalem

The nearly complete destruction of the continental European economies by World War II seriously endangered the stability of Europe's social and political institutions. Europe's leaders knew that to rebuild from the ruins, it was essential to form new kinds of…

On July 7, 2011

Stranger to Fiction

I read something in the industry newsletter Shelf Awareness recently that took me aback. It was from an interview Philip Roth did with Jan Dalley of the Financial Times.

The conversation I’d longed to have with him

On July 7, 2011

How to Create an Investor Presentation

There is no right, wrong or definitive way to get the attention of investors.

Sometimes chance encounters at events or cocktail parties lead to meeting invitations. Sometimes years of press mentions and a good track record get you in the door.…