Dumping Your BlackBerry? Join the Club

On October 21, 2011

Most Unusual Excuses to Take a Sick Day

With excuses like these, it's no wonder that a significant portion of bosses will try to find out if you're really sick-- even driving by your house or getting a colleague to call you.
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On October 21, 2011

Are Your Customers Ready for Location-Based Coupons?

By Rieva Lesonsky

Mobile marketing is the hottest buzzword around these days. With consumers using their smartphones to do just about everything, putting your marketing message in their pocket is clearly a good idea. But any time you’re talking about…

On October 20, 2011

Drinking From the Fire Hose

We are all competing for space these days, space to put our message, and mental space to take in more information. There’s less space, and more information by the minute, but as problematic as that seems, it’s…

On October 20, 2011

Why Occupy Wall Street Is Spreading Fast

Critics of the protests centered in Manhattan's Zuccotti Park attack it as just another expression of partisan politics. But the movement's rise shows it is anything but.
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