Small Biz Resource Tip: Voltage Security

On July 5, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: Voltage Security

Voltage Security

With the recent news of the U.K. Census Bureau being hacked and millions of Brits having their personal information stolen, not to mention Sony Playstation users, it seems no organization no matter how big—or small–is safe from cyber…

On July 5, 2011

Live and Breathe Your 5 Main Assumptions

I love this, a very short snippet video from venurte capitalist Ann Winblad of Hummer Winblad Ventures. This is one of Stanford’s eCorner videos. I like their summary:

Ann Winblad advises entrepreneurs to boil down their business

On July 5, 2011

The One Thing That Makes Collaboration Work

If I had to pick the one thing to get right about any collaborative effort, I would choose trust. Yes, trust. More than incentives, technology, roles, missions, or structures, it is trust that makes collaboration really work. There can be…