Tell Your Co-Workers How Much You Earn

On July 5, 2011

What Was Your Best Purchase Ever?

Experiences are supposed to make us happier than things. But certain things can make us enjoy our hours quite a bit -- and are worth every penny.
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On July 5, 2011

The Value of Praise

As a kid growing up in the U.S., I was raised on praise, not always deserved. If it wasn't a gold star on a school report, it was an A for effort.

In China, praise…

On July 5, 2011

07.05.2011 | Daily

Fox News twitter hacking update, Google nixes real-time, more reasons for entrepreneurs to take vacations, and more.

Fox News gets hacked! Hackers sent the web into a tizzy over the weekend by breaking into Fox News' twitter account and posting that…

On July 5, 2011

Survey: Only Executives Expecting Pay Raises

After surveys revealed double digit increases in CEO compensation last year, a new poll asks the rest of us what sort of raises we're expecting. Nine out of ten say none at all.
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On July 5, 2011

Studies: Federal IT Procurement Needs a Smooth Operator

When the U.S. government goes to the market for information technology, various contracting mechanisms come into play. In fact, as IT evolves, contracting follows, witness recent efforts at the General Services Administration to develop special procurement vehicles