How to Avoid Humiliatingly Awkward Business Portraits

On June 30, 2011

The 10 Weirdest Ad Stories of the Month

Doctors want advertisers to stop using Photoshop ... Google denies it's plugging Obama in 2012 ... ad exec explains why his resume is 261 pages long. It all happened in June 2011.
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On June 30, 2011

Protect, Perish or Prosper? | BTalk

The world is getting smaller. We need to embrace it, but the question is, do we also need to protect ourselves from it too?
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On June 30, 2011

Cash is Nice, but Give Me a Medal Instead

Do mega-award competitions such as the $10 million X Prize really motivate innovators? The good news for your own innovation contest is that non-pecuniary prizes can work much better.
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