The Twice-a-Week Breakthrough

On June 30, 2011

Sprint Nextel and Lightsquared: Uh-Oh

I have been impressed with the recovery that Sprint Nextel has shown over the last few years, but now it has struck a deal with LightSquared that puts the cart way ahead of the horse. Is Sprint

On June 30, 2011

iPhone Junior? Don’t Hold Your Breath

Apple lovers, it seems to me, are pretty hungry for their favorite company to finally achieve world domination. Diehard Apple fans have been around for a long time, and seeing Apple finally get some serious attention is

On June 30, 2011

3 Social CRM Lessons From a Real-World Community

We get so wound up talking about the value of online communities for social CRM purposes -- for instance, in building loyalty, identifying potential leads, and improving the quality of service our businesses deliver -- that sometimes

On June 30, 2011

Does Your Customer Service Stink?

You have great expectations for your business. Your product is super and you’ve sold a few but customers aren’t returning like they should and what’s more, they aren’t giving you feedback. You’ve already checked to see if adjustments need to