Bringing Balance Back to the Boardroom

On September 22, 2011

Bringing Balance Back to the Boardroom

Today's business climate is one of the most challenging in recent history. On the street, bailouts, layoffs, and mismanagement have deepened the public's mistrust of the private sector. In the boardroom, the recession, shareholder activism, an enormously heightened…

On September 22, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: 8×8


When you need a meeting face-to-face and travel is out of the question due to time constraints or expense, videoconferencing is an easy and cost-effective solution. Chosen by PCWorld as one of the top videoconferencing tools, 8×8 passed the…

On September 22, 2011

Don’t Give Your Company Away in Pieces

Too often people in startups think they’re supposed to give pieces of their company away to people who help them. They aren’t. Or they think it’s clever to pay people for services by giving away pieces of their fledgling company.…

On September 22, 2011

Negotiate Where You Want to Get What You Want

Remember the last time you went to your boss to ask for a raise, a bonus, or an increase in your budget?

If you are anything like us, there are probably a million thoughts floating around in your mind as…

On September 22, 2011

5 First Steps to Prioritizing Your Work

Nothing is more important in realizing your dreams than self-discipline.  Nothing. 

Commitment is meaningless without discipline. Vision is useless without discipline. 

Without discipline, all the systems, information, management plans, financial reports, databases,…

On September 22, 2011

HP: 5 Steps to Clean Up the $125B Train Wreck

HP's board and soon to be ex-CEO Leo Apotheker have created the biggest train wreck in Silicon Valley history. Here's what happened and five steps to fix it.
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