News Corp and Questions Boards Need to Ask

On July 18, 2011

Horrible Bosses?

In a comment on our recent blog post on freedom, we were accused of management bashing. That was certainly not our intention, but it does seem to be the intention of many writers these days. Why? Why are…

On July 18, 2011

Amazon Lightens Textbook Load With E-Book Rentals on Monday announced an e-textbook program for its line of e-reader devices: Kindle Textbook Rentals. This will encompass tens of thousands of textbooks for the 2011 school year from leading publishers like John Wiley & Sons

On July 18, 2011

Rupert Murdoch: Outsourcing Moral Ambiguity

Nesting dolls are an apt metaphor for companies that seek to distance themselves from the unmoral or illegal activities of its outsourcing partners. The latest example? Rupert Murdoch's News of...
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On July 18, 2011

Harry Potter & the Social Media Conundrum

Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn force users to do what Harry Potter's nemesis Voldemort did: Put parts of their identities in different places. Where is the site/app who will slay this demon?
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