Why Liz Warren Won’t Be Leading the Consumer Financial-Protection Charge

On July 18, 2011

Apple Draws First Blood in HTC Patent Spar

The U.S. International Trade Commission on Friday made an initial ruling that Taipei-based HTC is in violation of two of Apple's patents. The ruling, which stems from a complaint Apple filed in March 2010, relate to the

On July 18, 2011

The 6 Essential Rules for Closing Deals

There are few skills more important in selling than the ability to close the deal. These rules provide the groundwork for a successful sales career.
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On July 18, 2011

The Best Way to Introduce Yourself

When you introduce yourself, the most important audience is not the people you are meeting. The most important audience is you.
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On July 18, 2011

How to Recover Stolen Company Laptops

According to some statistics, a laptop gets taken every 50 seconds. If your company machines are among them, you have almost zero chances of getting them back -- unless you follow this simple advice.
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