Small Biz Resource Tip: Shopkick Local

On July 13, 2011

Small Biz Resource Tip: Shopkick Local

Shopkick Local

Shopkick, which already dominates the location-based shopping app world for large companies like Target, Best Buy, Macy’s and more, has announced it’s adding small local stores and coffee shops into its retail program that rewards shoppers for walking…

On July 13, 2011

Everything You Need to Know About Google+

Will Google+ kill blogging or Twitter? Should your brand be on it? BNET's digital guru answers these and other essential questions for business.
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On July 13, 2011

07.13.2011 | Daily

A review of Google+, Netflix changes its pricing structure, 'native' apps, and six products that are less environmentally friendly than you think.

Testing out Google+. The Wall Street Journal's Katie Boehret reviews Google's latest attempt at a social networking…

On July 13, 2011

10 Ways to Beat Online Obscurity

image of golden gate bridge coming through fog

Listen, I’ve got some bad news for you.

More than likely, no one knows who you are.

And more than likely, they never will.

How can I say that with such authority? Easy.

As of December…

On July 13, 2011

In Defense of Rupert Murdoch

Is the media vilification of News Corp. CEO Rupert Murdoch justified? Is his media empire really threatened by the UK phone hacking scandal? Absolutely not on both counts.
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On July 13, 2011

More Legal Woes for Google

In 2010, Google admitted that when collecting Street View photos around the world it also collected data from unsecured wireless networks. That led to a bunch of lawsuits. Recently, U.S. Federal Judge James Ware refused to dismiss