Stop Being a Lazy Job Seeker

On July 13, 2011

Stop Being a Lazy Job Seeker

Finding a job is not something you can just do casually. If you're unemployed, you can't afford to be a lazy job seeker. Here's why.
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On July 13, 2011

How to Get Real Results From Virtual Events

By Rieva Lesonsky

Are you using virtual trade shows or other virtual events to market your business? Then there’s some interesting new research you should know about.

At traditional, in-person trade shows or conferences, attendees place a heavy emphasis on…

On July 13, 2011

eCommics: Users Who Forgot…

ecommerce comics cartoon

A few things to remember when designing your ecommerce user experience…

  • Web conventions are your friend. Resist temptation to get creative with features and content that are generally expected to work a certain way.
  • Personalization

On July 13, 2011

eCommics: Users Who Forgot…

ecommerce comics cartoon

A few things to remember when designing your ecommerce user experience…

  • Web conventions are your friend. Resist temptation to get creative with features and content that are generally expected to work a certain way.
  • Personalization

On July 13, 2011

Cookie Permission: Should You Test That?

Last post we looked at the European Union’s Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive and what that means for businesses in the EU, and the UK in particular in light of new regulations surrounding disclosure of the use of tracking cookies,…

On July 13, 2011

Cookie Permission: Should You Test That?

Last post we looked at the European Union’s Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive and what that means for businesses in the EU, and the UK in particular in light of new regulations surrounding disclosure of the use of tracking cookies,…

On July 13, 2011

How to Become Objective So You Can Remedy Lagging Sales

You're too familiar with your own site to see its problems, says usability expert Todd Follansbee. He explains typical site problems and then outlines the remedy for site-blindness: direct user testing with 5 to 8 subjects. With insight from them,

On July 13, 2011

How to Become Objective So You Can Remedy Lagging Sales

You're too familiar with your own site to see its problems, says usability expert Todd Follansbee. He explains typical site problems and then outlines the remedy for site-blindness: direct user testing with 5 to 8 subjects. With insight from them,