4 Myths: What Really Makes Customers Happy

On July 6, 2011

4 Myths: What Really Makes Customers Happy

Everybody knows keeping existing customers is easier than getting new ones. For once, everybody is right. But not many of us act like we believe it.
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On July 6, 2011

Would You Fire Staff for Not Wearing Makeup?

A sales assistant at London's tony Harrods department store claims she was "driven out" over her refusal to wear makeup.

A sales assistant at London’s famous Harrods department store has claimed her refusal to wear makeup has cost her her job.


On July 6, 2011

A Guide for Summer Interns: Your Personal Matrix

As the midpoint of summer fast approaches, it's time to take stock of your summer internship and make sure you're moving in the right direction. Unlike the reliable guidance you may have received from coaches and professors over the course…

On July 6, 2011

Breaking Out of the Mobile Commerce Metaphor Trap

Retailers aren't investing seriously in mobile platforms right now, and who can blame them? Despite the lofty percentage growth cited by mobile shopping advocates, retailers privately lament anemic mobile conversion rates and report total revenue figures that

On July 6, 2011

iPad Surfers Rolling In

The Anonymous hacker community's AntiSec project gave Apple a love tap for the July 4 holiday and, in essence, warned Cupertino to brush up on its security measures. "Not being so serious ... Apple could be target

On July 6, 2011

Peak Oil and the Front Office

If you are a regular reader, you know that from time to time I write about things that appear to be tangentially related to CRM -- at best. My favorite alternative to straight ahead research and reporting

On July 6, 2011

Why Your Annual Review is Unfair

Your boss says you are fabulous, but your performance appraisal screams average. Should you complain? And why is this happening?
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On July 6, 2011

Are Your Employees Ready to Quit?

By Rieva Lesonsky

Are your employees ready to mutiny? Despite national unemployment hovering around 9 percent, they might be, according to a new study by global consulting firm Mercer LLC reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Thirty-two percent of U.S.…

On July 6, 2011

Are Your Employees Ready to Quit?

By Rieva Lesonsky

Are your employees ready to mutiny? Despite national unemployment hovering around 9 percent, they might be, according to a new study by global consulting firm Mercer LLC reported by the Wall Street Journal.

Thirty-two percent of U.S.…