Are You Delivering the Mobile Experience Customers Want?

On October 19, 2009

Are You Delivering the Mobile Experience Customers Want?

Placecast recently shared findings from a Harris Interactive poll on Americans and location-based shopping. The firm found that a fair amount of consumers are interested in receiving opt-in mobile alerts from their favorite places.

"Consumers are interested in receiving alerts on their mobile phones from brands that they care about, provided they can opt-in and the messages are relevant," says Placecast.

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On October 19, 2009

4 Quick Ways To Boost Brand Recognition

I created a video about these tips on the right side of the site. When you think about running shoes, you probably have a company that comes to mind. Think about soda pop and another company comes to mind. This is because some companies are great at creating superior brand recognition. They’re [...]
On October 19, 2009

As Asset Valuations Soar, Earnings Wobble: How Safe Is The Banking System?

Despite a surging stock market, renewed trouble is brewing on the bottom line for a big chunk of the financial services industry. That's creating a lot of confusion as to how healthy the overall industry really is. Last week, Bank of America and Citigroup both reported large losses from making consumer loans and lending via credit cards. In a similar vein, BB&T, one of the early bank success stories this year, announced Monday morning that its third-quarter profit plunged 56 percent, to $157 million, as a result of credit issues. BB&T was one of the first banks to repay its Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) funds this year in June, and later acquired billions in Colonial Bank's deposits after...

On October 19, 2009

Google Claims New Enterprise Wins For Apps

Google is boasting of new wins for Google Apps to cast a shadow on Microsoft's Windows 7 announcement this week. It isn't just a publicity stunt, as the vendor is showing momentum among enterprise customers thought to be out of its reach.

On October 19, 2009

Bayer’s Legal Woes: 125 Suits Over Yaz; FDA Allegedly Not Told of Trasylol Study

Bayer faces more than 125 lawsuits over its Yaz contraceptive and new cases are being filed around the country at a rate of up to up to six a day. Separately, a new suit filed over Trasylol alleges that Bayer failed to tell the FDA that a 67,000-patient study showed the drug increased the risks of renal failure, heart attack and stroke.

On October 19, 2009

How the Authority Rules Report Brought Me 234% More Site Memberships

Recently, I learned a handful of techniques from Brian Clark that brought me some pretty intriguing results. 234% more site memberships. 62% more unique visitors. 100% more paying clients. How much did I pay Brian to teach me how to do this? Not a dime. I got everything I needed out of a free report. Let me tell you [...]

On October 19, 2009

Timeshare Business Unwelcome Guest at Marriott International

Given the global economic landscape, Marriott International can no longer rationalize its timeshare business. Going forward, the company expects to continue to license and manage luxury residential projects developed by others, but chief financial officer Carl Berquist told analysts on the third-quarter earnings call the hotelier does not anticipate putting its own capital into the development of new luxury timeshare projects. In my opinion, these decisive strategy adjustments had more to do with mobilizing cash to lower debt default risk and less to do with market conditions of timeshare real estate.     The timeshare segment accounted for just 13 percent of total sales in the last quarter, but its operating losses of $681 million wiped out the $160 million in...

On October 19, 2009

Test Yourself: Would You Act Unethically on the Job?

You’d like to think that even under pressure, your moral compass would keep you from doing anything unethical at work. Only unscrupulous types get caught up in things like backdating stock options and peddling subprime mortgages — right? But Babson College scholar Mary Gentile says acting ethically isn’t as easy as wanting to do the right thing; it’s about knowing how to do the right thing even when the stakes are high. Practice helps. More than 80 business schools around the world are pilot testing a new approach to teaching ethics developed by Gentile, along with the Aspen Institute and Yale School of Management. The idea is simple: Teach MBAs to anticipate how they will be tempted to rationalize unethical...

On October 19, 2009

Gawker Pays for Balloon Boy Story, ‘National Enquirer’ Loses Out

Far be it from me to go on endlessly about Balloon Boy, but if you're a dedicated follower of media fashion, here's the most fascinating development in the story over the last few days: that the research assistant who worked with Balloon Dad Richard Heene earlier this year — and basically has all of the circumstantial evidence one might need to haul Balloon Dad into court — sold his story not to a member of the so-called mainstream media but to Gawker. You can read his story in its bizzar-o entirety here. Not, of course, that all mainstream media pay for stories, but if someone came up to you and asked you who might buy this story, wouldn't other media...

On October 19, 2009

MDC Partners Adds Debt Following Revenue Decline

MDC Partners is taking on $275 million in new debt at a time when its revenues are in decline, according to an SEC filing. It's selling $200 million in debt due in 2016 in order to pay off a $45 million Canadian loan due in 2010. It's also adding "a new 5-year US$75 million revolving credit facility" to replace its $12 million revolver. The company's revenues declined 14 percent to $135 million.