Quiz: Can You Move the Sale Forward?

On October 19, 2009

Is Your E-Commerce Operation Ready for the Cloud?

Cloud computing is perhaps the most talked-about shift in the technology industry today. The concept of running applications from the cloud is quickly evolving from a futuristic vision to a commercially viable alternative for mainstream business. A recent survey of global 2,000 companies revealed that 30 percent are already using cloud infrastructure to host their applications.
On October 19, 2009

Mystery Shop Your Site Before The Holidays

Every year Lauren Freedman and the e-tailing group conduct a Mystery Shopping Study of the top 100 online retailers. The researchers go through the process of selecting one product for ground delivery on each of the 100 sites, contact the merchant via telephone, live chat or email and return the product either in-store or [...]
On October 19, 2009

Five Steps to Landing a Big Deal

If you have an innovative product or service with the potential to change the way your clients do business, you need to sell it to executive management. Here's an approach that works for me. I first came across this when my good friend Bill brought a new product to market, beating SAP and I2 to a big enterprise software deal in Dow Chemicals. I've created a set of terms to describe how you can build relationships in an organization, create compelling business case and get it in front of the senior decision-maker. The Coach: After you've built an outline proposition for a target prospect, you need to find a coach to validate your assumptions and fine-tune your message. They will...
On October 19, 2009

CBI Publishes Wish-List For British Industry

"Balance and growth". These are the words that perhaps best describe the CBI's blueprint for steering Britain's economy back on the right track. During a press conference at the industry body's Centre Point HQ Deputy-Director General, John Cridland, and Chief Economic Adviser, Ian McCafferty, outlined their organisation's recommendations to the UK government's pre-budget  report. The proposals although largely predictable- no increased tax burden on businesses, and a more timely balancing of the nation's budget- arguably read more like a fanciful Christmas wish-list than a letter to the Chancellor. They included calls for the government to protect capital spending, and a re-working of public services. The latter represents an ambitious (some would say audacious) plan to cut the cost of public sector service delivery...
On October 19, 2009

Negotiate Like a Pro | Useful Commute Podcast

He is one of the most recognized agents in professional sports and has represented a host of superstars, including Michael Jordan. In this podcast, Donald Dell discusses his winning tactics in dealmaking. He explains why you should not make the first offer, the biggest mistake people make in negotiations and how to "negotiate backwards." His new book is titled "Never Make the First Offer (Except When You Should)" published by Portfolio. Click the play button to hear the podcast. If you don’t see the player window, click refresh on your browser. If it still doesn’t appear, let our customer service team know. Subscribe to BNET’s Useful Commute through iTunes.
On October 18, 2009

How NOT to Write a Biotech Press Release: Just Ask Epeius

If there is one cardinal sin in biotech communications, it is hype. Telling late-night TV viewers you’ve made a miracle toaster is one thing; telling desperate and dying patients you’ve made a miracle cancer drug is quite another.