Saatchi Sued Over “Terror Marketing Campaign” for Toyota

On October 1, 2009

Saatchi Sued Over “Terror Marketing Campaign” for Toyota

A California woman has sued Saatchi & Saatchi for an offbeat PR campaign for Toyota in which, she alleges, she was terrorized by a fictional English football hoologan who insisted -- via email -- that he was going to show up at her house with his pitbull and crash on her sofa while he avoided the police.
On October 1, 2009

Passive Aggressive Boss — or Sexist Jerk?

Dear Stanley, My boss is uber passive aggressive. One day he's nice as can be, the next he completely ignores me and yells at the slightest mistake. Every day is dependent on his mood. Most days he praises his other employee while completely ignoring me. If he does speak, it's to tell me I've done something wrong (and if I haven't, he'll change his policy to make me wrong). The other employee makes mistakes and it's "No biggie, it's okay," whereas if I made the same mistake there'd be hell to pay. The other person has been there only six months and works part time. I've been there four years working full time. I do a substantial amount of the...
On October 1, 2009

Bayer to Onyx: You Don’t Even Know the Name of the Drug We Didn’t Steal From You

Bayer is arguing that it did not steal an analog of its Nexavar cancer drug from development partner Onyx because Onyx got the name of the analog wrong in its lawsuit. Onyx sued Bayer in May, alleging that after the little-cancer-company-that-could had shown Bayer how to make Nexavar (sorafenib), Bayer then secretly synthesized analogs of the drug and patented them without telling Onyx, in breach of their agreement.

On October 1, 2009


ywpiue7agdFrom the archives: We love to hear from our customers How does the Mileage Deduction Work? How do you handle clients who don’t pay? Why Intuit’s purchase of Paycycle is good for small business And the Mac user base continues to grow!

On October 1, 2009

Valassis Gives NCH Boss Husselbee a New Car and Free Gas Through 2010

NCH Marketing CEO Brian J. Husselbee just closed a new compensation deal with Valassis, his parent company. Husselbee had been working without a contract since February. The new contract runs through 2010. Its perks include a car (with free gas and insurance) and he gets his bonus in full if he gets laid off.
On October 1, 2009

Apple’s Next Revolution — And What You Can Learn From It

It's September 2010, and you just finished my new ebook, Constructive Capitalism, on your iPad. You're about to email me, and tell me that I'm a sorry, tree-hugging excuse for an economist — but first, the FT, New York Times, and the Economist ping you; they've all got new video reports about evil companies you're shorting.

Welcome to Apple's Next Revolution. It's the Appleverse — and in it, media is once again beginning to survive, see the first tender shoots of growth, and even to innovate.

Rumours have been swirling for some months now about an Apple tablet. Yet, so far, it seems suspiciously underpowered for a "real" computer. What's the score? It's the same flavour of disruption Apple's already wrought twice. First, it was music. Then, it was mobile. Next, it might be everything formerly known as books, music, and video (or what media bankers quaintly call "BMV." Ah, beancounters). I think Apple's going to use the combination of a tailor-made device and an open market to turn BMV upside down.

I believe the Appleverse will look something like iTunes, and the App Store — except for all things BMV. Newspapers, magazines, blogs, movies, TV programs, and, yes, books — all will be available in a Media Store. Sellers will benefit from new revenue streams, thanks to people who actually want to buy media once again, whether through subscriptions or transactions; buyers will benefit from choice, simplicity, and richness. New flavours of magazines, books, newspapers, and video programs will emerge, and publishers will fight hard to win those new markets. And all that promises once again to breathe life into a beleaguered industry: for more than a decade now, BMV has struggled to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. If the Media Store succeeds, the next-gen media industry will essentially be dominated by Google on the WWW, and Apple everywhere else.

That's radical. Because just a short decade ago, Apple was a has-been, the slowest kid in the school of corporate strategy. Today, it is one of the world's most valuable companies. So what can we learn from Apple's new found mastery of next-generation strategy?

Markets, networks, and communities are engines of disruption. As I've advised for many years: the future of strategy lies in markets, networks, and communities. They allow us to rewire what yesterday were known as value chains into complex webs of production and consumption. What is common to both Apple and Google is growing mastery over utilizing markets, and sometimes networks, to dramatically rewire production and consumption, unlocking tremendous efficiency gains.

Context is king. Context is information about the value of stuff. Orthodox publishers fight hard against context — they game reviews, buy rankings, stifle leaks — you know the score. Amazon commoditized publishers by making context open source: anyone can write a book review, and anyone can read anyone else's book reviews. In the Appleverse, those dynamics will be writ large. All content will be on a level playing field — just one click away — and so context will be even more crucial to shaping consumer decisions.

21st century economics = acceleration. If the Media Store is a success, like the App Store, it's going to be disruptive — fast. 21st Century economics hinge on viral and network effects. When we get them right, tremendous positive feedback occurs, that can shatter yesterday's status quo, in a matter of months, like this guy did — or simply witness mobile operators and orthodox handset manufacturers, like Nokia, playing by Apple's new rules. Conversely, when we get acceleration wrong, the result is strategic implosion: banks amplified each others' negative viral effects — and a few short months later: kaboom.

What challenges will Apple face? The challenges every market-maker faces.

Pricing. Apple's big weakness in iTunes and the App Store is pricing. Static, one-size-fits all pricing is a poor fit with a vast sea of content, whose value is always shifting.

Market microstructure. Apple has had serious issues with approving Apps. Many small developers have felt short-changed. To an extent, Apple is ensuring buyers don't sell lemons. Yet, that process must be faster, smarter, and more inclusive.

Unbundling. Why are iTunes and the iPod tied? Why are the App Store and the iPhone tied? Because Steve's a stickler for a painless experience. Yet, at some point, even Apple will have to cede to the efficiency and productivity gains that flow from services unbundled from devices.

And now, for the big kahuna.

Thick value. Markets, networks, and communities are cool, and strategy is fun. But the real challenge of the 21st Century is thick value: authentic, sustainable value.

Whether it's radio, TV, magazines, or newspapers, it seems often that yesterday's mass media industry has devolved to shock, endless ads, and lowest-common-denominator schlock. Never was there — perhaps save Detroit — an industry who so quickly and decisively sacrificed quality, integrity, and utility for near-term profitability.

Opening the floodgates through an open market is innovative — radically so. But raising the bar for insanely great media of all kinds to be produced, once again — well, that's the key not just to mere innovation, but to awesomeness.

And that's the key question. In the Appleverse, is media still lame — or is it awesome?

Innovation can make the Appleverse industry-changing. But it is awesomeness that will determine whether the Appleverse is world-changing or not. Guess which one's more profitable, disruptive, and sustainable?

Fire away with comments, criticisms, question, or thoughts.

On October 1, 2009

The Importance of Brand Keywords

Do you use paid search as one of your main forms of online advertising? If so, do you bid on your brand as a keyword? You may think that it's a waste of money, considering that your brand has a good chance of showing up at the top of search results when a user searches for it.

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On October 1, 2009

Want to Cut Costs? Leverage Platforms

Open Source or proprietary, ad-hoc or standards-based, platforms have enormous leverage. In a world of infinite choices where no two products are the same, companies and entrepreneurs can develop, manufacture, and market products for a fraction of the cost by leveraging existing platforms.
On October 1, 2009

Risks in Buying NBC Universal Include Broken Peacock Network

The escalating risks associated with buying NBC Universal or any traditional media conglomerate -- which includes declining TV stations and broadcast networks -- is why Comcast will likely settle for a 51 percent stake in the company, for now. Corporate parent General Electric is in talks to spin off NBCU into a private company to which Comcast would contribute an estimated $6 billion in content assets and about $7 billion in cash. Although GE's 80 percent ownership would be reduced to 49 percent, it would accrue NBCU cash flow on its balance sheet and could transfer an estimated $12 billion in debt to the stand-alone entity, sources said. A report on NBCU-owned CNBC confirmed some of the details being...